
5 key skills of a future Shopify Developer

Shopify Developer

The popularity of the Shopify platform is growing every year, also on the Polish market. The role of the Shopify Developer, i.e. the person building stores using this technology, becomes key in the development of the Polish eCommerce market. If you're dreaming of a career as a Shopify Developer, it's a good idea to learn the key skills that will get you started in this profession. Whether you are just starting your programming adventure or want to expand your competence, these tips will help you achieve your professional goals.

In this article, we will analyze the 5 key skills of the future Shopify Developer.

Table of Contents

What is Shopify?

Shopify is an e-commerce platform that allows users to easily create and manage online stores. With an intuitive interface, users can create and personalize their stores without advanced programming knowledge. Shopify allows users to add, edit and organize products and manage inventory. It supports a variety of payment methods, including credit cards, PayPal and other payment systems. The platform allows you to configure various shipping methods, integrate with courier companies and generate shipping labels. Marketing tools and SEO features help increase store visibility and attract customers. Shopify also offers reports and analysis on sales, customer behavior and store performance, provides technical support and takes care of data security.

Who is a Shopify Developer?

A Shopify Developer is a specialist who develops and customizes online stores on the Shopify platform. His tasks include designing and implementing functional, aesthetically pleasing online stores, as well as writing code to extend Shopify's functionality by creating applications and plugins. Shopify Developer integrates the platform with other systems, such as ERP, CRM, payment systems or marketing tools. He or she takes care of store performance, SEO optimization and user experience improvement, as well as solves technical problems, handles store maintenance and updates. Such a specialist must have programming skills (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Liquid), as well as knowledge of the Shopify ecosystem and experience in e-commerce.

Let's see what basic skills a Shopify Developer should have!

1. Knowledge of Liquid

Fundamentals and advanced applications of Liquid

Shopify Liquid is the template language that powers Shopify. It is a tool that allows you to create dynamic and personalized stores. Mastering Liquid allows you to fully customize the look and function of the store to the customer's needs. Sounds complicated? Calm down! To get started, it's worth checking out the official Shopify documentation and the courses available online.

Its simplicity and intuitive syntax allow you to easily create and manage templates. Users can use variables, tags, filters and loops to personalize content, which is especially important for stores operating in international markets. Liquid is also secure, protecting against XSS attacks and allowing integration with various external applications.

Create custom themes and sections

With Liquid, developers can design custom themes that reflect the store's brand. Liquid allows you to create dynamic and responsive templates that can be customized to different devices and user needs. Users can also create custom sections using Liquid variables to insert content such as shipping policy on the product page, which increases personalization and improves customer shopping experience.

Integration of dynamic data into the store

Liquid allows you to easily integrate dynamic data, such as information about products, categories, or orders, allowing you to dynamically generate content based on this data. Developers can use meta-objects to display data in an online store, which allows them to personalize content on store pages based on the customer's geographic location or shopping preferences. Liquid also supports SEO, allowing you to optimize your store pages for search engines, which can significantly improve your store's visibility.

2. GraphQL and REST API support

Basic differences between GraphQL and REST API

The Shopify API is a tool that allows you to integrate with external systems and create powerful features. For example, you can create custom applications that automate various processes in the store. The Shopify API is well documented, so it's a good idea to check out the guides and examples available on the Shopify website. It is also worth playing around creating simple applications to understand how it all works in practice.

Both GraphQL and REST APIs are key technologies used by Shopify Developers to communicate with the back-end of the store. The main difference between them is the way of communication and the structure of the data. The REST API is based on the RESTful protocol and uses traditional HTTP methods such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE, returning data structures in JSON format, where each resource has its own unique endpoint. GraphQL, on the other hand, allows you to specify exactly what data you want to retrieve with a single query, returning data in JSON format that is exactly as defined in the query.

Best practices in using the Shopify API

  1. Keep track of changes in API documentation and update integrations to align with new API releases.
  2. Authorization: Use authorization tokens to authenticate API queries.
  3. Query Optimization: Use selective queries to retrieve only the data you need and minimize the amount of data you upload.
  4. Security: Use HTTPS to communicate with the API to ensure data confidentiality and integrity.
  5. Error handling: Check API response statuses to verify that the query was executed correctly.

Examples of external integrations

The use of GraphQL and REST API allows integration of external applications with Shopify, which increases the functionality of the store. An example is integration with ERP systems, which allows faster synchronization of customer databases between Shopify stores and ERP systems. Another example is the management of different types of media related to products, which is possible thanks to the GraphQL Admin API, offering greater flexibility and efficiency in data management.

3. Familiarity with the apps available in the Shopify App Store

The Shopify App Store is a mine of add-ons that can expand the capabilities of your store. As a Shopify Developer, you should not only be able to install, but also configure these apps to work at their best. Familiarity with popular add-ons like Oberlo (for dropshipping) or Klaviyo (for email marketing) is essential. Start by browsing available apps and experimenting with them on test stores.

Why should you know the Shopify App Store?

Time saving and automation:
Many applications automate tasks that would normally require a lot of time and effort. For example, inventory management applications can automatically update warehouse status, allowing you to focus on other important aspects of doing business.

Improving customer service:
Apps can also significantly improve customer service. You can install a chatbot that will answer customer questions 24/7, or a ticketing system that will help manage customer requests and solve their problems quickly.

Increase sales:
With marketing apps, you can reach customers more effectively. Tools such as email marketing, advertising campaigns or loyalty programs help attract new customers and encourage existing ones to buy again.

Business Scaling:
As the business begins to grow, the Shopify App Store has apps to help manage more orders, more warehouse, and more advanced operations. We can easily adapt the functionality of the store to your growing needs.

The Shopify App Store is an invaluable source of tools that can make your store more functional, efficient, and customer-friendly. With easy installation and a huge selection of applications, we can quickly and easily adapt our store to our needs, without the need for advanced technical knowledge. It's like having a set of tools that help us run our business more efficiently and with more success.

4. Optimization of performance and SEO

In addition to technical skills, it is also important to take care of the performance of the store and its optimization for SEO. Fast loading pages not only improve the user experience, but also affect search engine positioning. As a Shopify Developer, you should be familiar with optimization techniques such as code minimization, image optimization, and lazy loading. Additionally, knowing SEO principles such as meta tag optimization, URL structure, and internal linking will help you create stores that are both user and search engine friendly.

Fast page loading techniques

  • Compress images without losing quality - Using tools like TinyPNG allows you to reduce the size of image files without significant loss of quality, which speeds up their loading.
  • Code Optimization - Removing unnecessary CSS and JavaScript code, shortening functions, and combining multiple files into one minimizes and optimizes code, which speeds up page loading.
  • Asynchronous loading of scripts - Allows you to load scripts in the background without blocking the rendering of the page, which allows you to display content faster.
  • Use of CDN - Content Delivery Network reduces server response time by delivering page resources from the location closest to the user.

SEO Friendly Practices for Shopify

  • Optimizing the structure of the site - Maintaining a logical hierarchy of categories and using simple, readable URLs helps search engines index content.
  • Descriptive image file names - Renaming image files to descriptive before uploading them to Shopify improves their visibility in search engines.
  • Descriptive text for internal links - Using descriptive link text for menu items and internal links makes navigation easier and increases SEO.

Analytical tools and their use

  • Shopify Website Performance Dashboard - Reports that use basic web metrics to evaluate store performance from the perspective of users.
  • Google PageSpeed Insights - Allows you to run detailed reports for store pages, offering recommendations for optimization.
  • Analysis of customer behavior - Tracking navigation paths and analyzing your purchase history helps you refine your shopping experience and increase conversions.

Performance optimization and SEO are key components of Shopify store success, affecting not only customer shopping experiences but also search engine visibility. The implementation of the above techniques and practices will help to achieve better results and increase sales.

5. Communication skills and project management

Finally, do not forget about soft skills. Effective communication with your customers and your team is key. You need to be able to listen, communicate your ideas and manage expectations. In addition, the ability to manage projects will help you plan and execute tasks effectively. Use tools like Trello, Asana, and Slack to make teamwork and organization easier. These skills are especially important if you work with a team, such as at a specialized Shopify agency.

How to find a job as a Shopify developer?

You already know what skills a high-end Shopify specialist should have. But how do you get started? How to develop your career? Starting a career as a Shopify developer can be exciting, but also challenging. Shopify is one of the most popular e-commerce platforms in the world, and specialists in this field are in high demand. If you're just getting started with Shopify, here are some proven methods to help you find a job in this profession.

Freelance platforms


Upwork is one of the largest platforms for freelancers. You'll find plenty of Shopify-related projects, both short-term and long-term. It's worth creating a detailed profile and applying regularly for new offers.


Like Upwork, Freelancer offers a wide range of e-commerce projects. You can browse hundreds of jobs, from store development to third-party app integrations.


Fiverr allows you to offer your services as gigs. You can create bids for specific Shopify services, such as store optimization, theme creation or payment integrations.

Job portals


LinkedIn is not only a place to build your professional network, but also a powerful job search tool. Regularly browse the jobs section and join groups related to e-commerce and Shopify.


Indeed is one of the most popular job portals. Filter the results to find ads targeting Shopify developers.


Glassdoor offers not only job listings, but also company reviews, which can be helpful when choosing a potential employer.

Specialized job listing sites

If you're interested in remote work, is a great place to start your search. Here you'll find job listings from all over the world, including many related to Shopify.

We Work Remotely

This is another site that specializes in remote jobs. They regularly post ads for developers and e-commerce professionals.

Communities and forums

Shopify Community

Shopify's official forum is a great place to network, share knowledge and find job opportunities. Share actively to build your reputation in the community.


Subreddits such as r/shopify, r/webdev and r/freelance are full of useful information, job listings and networking opportunities. Review posts regularly and participate in discussions.

Recruitment agencies

You should also consider working with recruitment agencies that specialize in the technology and e-commerce industries. They often have access to job opportunities that are not publicly available.

Networking and industry events

Attending local meetups, conferences and workshops is a great way to network professionally. These events allow direct contact with potential employers and other industry professionals.

Looking for a job as a Shopify developer requires commitment and a proactive approach. Take advantage of available freelance platforms, job portals, specialized sites, online communities and networking opportunities to increase your chances of finding your dream job. Also, don't forget to build your portfolio and present your past projects, which can significantly influence the decision of potential employers.


In summary, the future of e-commerce and the growth of Shopify stores depends on the continuous improvement of key skills by Shopify Developers. To become a great Shopify Developer, you need to master Shopify Liquid, be able to use the Shopify App Store, know the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, understand the Shopify API, and develop your communication and project management skills. These skills will open the door to many career opportunities for you.

Developing competencies in these areas will not only strengthen your position as a Shopify Developer, but it will also help you shape the future of e-commerce. Don't wait - get started today and build your future as a Shopify expert. Good luck in your search and building your career as a Shopify programmer!


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